Dr. Akshat Chandra is a Spine Surgeon currently practicing in Alka Hospital Allahabad. While pursuing his M.S. in Arthopedics Dr. Akshat went on to assist and operate on various spine pathologies under the able guidance of his mentor in spine surgery who is a F.N.B. F.N.S. Spine Surgeon himself. After completing his M.S. Ortho he underwent Fellowship in Spine Surgery from the prestigious Sancheti Hospital for Specialized Surgery (S.H.S.S) Pune. During his fellowship he was exposed to innumerable spine pathologies ranging from disc problems and stenosis of the [lumbar, cervical and thoracic] region, spine trauma, spine TB, spinal infection, spinal deformity correction, revision surgeries, vertebroplasties and even spinal tumors, e.t.c. Apart from the experience of nearly 6-7 years in the field of spinal surgery, he has also been faculty in various spine conferences of the state of U.P. and New Delhi. Interestingly, he is the first Spinal Orthopedic Surgeon of Allahabad and he is currently practicing in Alka Hospital Allahabad.